
En savoir plus sur Dashpivot
Dashpivot est une solution souple pour la gestion et la livraison de projet, qui permet aux entreprises du bâtiment, du pétrole et du gaz, aux industries minières et autres d'améliorer leurs méthodes de travail quotidiennes, et de livrer les projets. Ce logiciel souple et complet donne aux entreprises la puissance d'un système entièrement numérique qui capture ce qui se passe sur le site, organise et automatise les mouvements des données du site, puis les affiche dans des tableaux de bord de flux de travail et d'analytics.
Dashpivot aide les ingénieurs, les contremaîtres, les superviseurs et les gestionnaires de projet à prendre des décisions plus éclairées sur la manière d'améliorer les projets et sur les mesures à prendre à l'avenir, en leur fournissant des données numériques propres et un contrôle sur les procédures d'exploitation. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer des formulaires numériques personnalisés à l'aide du générateur de formulaire glisser-déposer ou choisir au départ dans la large bibliothèque de formulaires gratuits de Dashpivot. La vue chronologique fournit une liste organisée de toutes les entrées de formulaire en ordre chronologique, ce qui aide les utilisateurs pour les journaux, les listes de contrôle, les rapports et les bordereaux. La vue flux de travail aide à automatiser les flux de travail et permet aux utilisateurs de savoir exactement où les choses se trouvent et qui est responsable, ou convient pour gérer les autorisations, permis, événements et alternatives. La vue registre résume et affiche toutes les entrées de formulaire complètes avec photos et signatures, sans aucune entrée de données manuelle.
Dashpivot contribue à améliorer et à accélérer le travail en permettant aux utilisateurs de remplir, dupliquer, signer numériquement et partager des formulaires, et de prendre et marquer des photos et des vidéos. Les organisations peuvent capturer et suivre les progrès et les problèmes lors de leurs déplacements en annotant et en marquant des PDF directement sur site via l'application native Dashpivot pour les appareils mobiles et les tablettes. Dashpivot agrège automatiquement toutes les données des formulaires et des activités, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de déverrouiller des analytics personnalisés et des informations en un clic ou en basculant un filtre.

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Microsoft Excel

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Les acheteurs de logiciels ont besoin de vous ! Les avis utilisateurs nous aident tous à prendre de meilleures décisions.
- Secteur d'activité : Génie mécanique ou industriel
- Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
- Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Note globale
- Rapport qualité-prix
- Simplicité d'utilisation
- Support client
- Probabilité de recommander le produit 9.0 /10
Publié le 24/04/2023
concernant mon experience globale d'utilisation de Dashpivot je n'ai pas recontre de problème
concernant mon experience globale d'utilisation de Dashpivot je n'ai pas recontre de problème
1-Une meilleure organisation : Dashpivot permet de centraliser les données et de rationaliser les processus de gestion de projet. Cela permet aux équipes de travailler plus efficacement et de réduire les erreurs, les retards et les pertes de temps.2-Une meilleure communication : Dashpivot facilite la communication entre les membres de l'équipe, les sous-traitants et les parties prenantes en permettant la création de rapports, l'envoi de notifications et la gestion des commentaires. Cela peut aider à réduire les malentendus et à améliorer la collaboration.Des rapports et analyses plus précis : Dashpivot permet de suivre les progrès, les coûts, les délais et les risques du projet en temps réel. Les rapports et les analyses générés par Dashpivot peuvent aider les équipes à identifier les problèmes rapidement et à prendre des décisions éclairées pour améliorer le projet.3-Une amélioration de la qualité et de la conformité : Dashpivot permet de suivre les exigences de conformité et de qualité et de s'assurer que tous les membres de l'équipe travaillent conformément aux normes de qualité et de sécurité. Cela peut aider à réduire les risques et à garantir la qualité du projet.4-Un gain de temps et d'efficacité : Dashpivot permet d'automatiser les tâches administratives répétitives, ce qui permet de gagner du temps et de se concentrer sur les tâches les plus importantes. Les membres de l'équipe peuvent travailler plus efficacement et réduire les délais du projet.
a ce niveau j'apprecie Dashpivot parceque ce logiciel repond a mes besoins

- Secteur d'activité : Hôpitaux et soins de santé
- Taille de l'entreprise : 1 001–5 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Note globale
- Rapport qualité-prix
- Simplicité d'utilisation
- Support client
- Probabilité de recommander le produit 10.0 /10
Dashpivot does exactly what I want
Publié le 24/09/2020
The support feature is excellent. The instructional videos made finding my way around Dashpivot...
The support feature is excellent. The instructional videos made finding my way around Dashpivot very easy, and queries to staff are answered quickly. The register function contains filters that make searching for records easy; this is important because my register will eventually have multiple thousands of entries. Overall, the software's enabled me to create an asbestos register that works for me and my knowledge level, and I don't have to pay for in-built features that I'm not going to use, as I would for other asbestos register products.
I use Dashpivot as an asbestos register. The software has all the tools I need to custom-design my register and supporting records. Other products on the market don't offer this flexibility, and still cost over twice as much as this product does. It even lets users enter data and check the asbestos register from their phones in the field, and I can generate reports for staff and contractors that contains the essential information they need to know to keep themselves and others safe.
I often find myself re-customising my templates, as I learn from trial, error and experience. It would be really handy if my existing record entries could be re-populated with the current template's designs, so I could go back and fill in the blanks. What I have to do now is manually re-type the old data into the new template, which is okay now, but won't be feasible in the long-term.
- Secteur d'activité : Construction
- Taille de l'entreprise : 201–500 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Note globale
- Rapport qualité-prix
- Simplicité d'utilisation
- Support client
- Probabilité de recommander le produit 10.0 /10
Rose Builders Ltd
Publié le 26/07/2022
Rose Builders have been using Dashpivot for a few months now. Overall we are very impressed of how...
Rose Builders have been using Dashpivot for a few months now. Overall we are very impressed of how this system has helped us modernise the communication between Office-Site. Over the next few months we will continue to expand our licences and get more of our sites using the Dashpivot/Sitemate system.
[SENSITIVE CONTENT] has been very helpful throughout the integration stages right the way through to developing our templates. We look forward to expanding our use of the system and see what other areas of the business Dashpivot can assist with.
Easy to set up.
Simple to submit electronic templates.
Efficient managerial sign off.
All positive feedback from site workers.
The ability for the approver in Dashpivot to make adjustments to a template without sending the timesheet back to the operative in the workflow column would be useful for us. The 'make changes' button is misleading as this removes the operatives signature.
- Secteur d'activité : Équipements publics
- Taille de l'entreprise : 5 001–10 000 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
Provenance de l'avis
Note globale
- Rapport qualité-prix
- Simplicité d'utilisation
- Support client
- Probabilité de recommander le produit 3.0 /10
Not recomended
Publié le 24/01/2025
Everyone involved in the project can easily point out Dashpivot as one of the major issues around...
Everyone involved in the project can easily point out Dashpivot as one of the major issues around it. I would say that also, a good chunk of the issue is how hard it is for Blue Collar workers to be on top of it, it cannot, I repeat, CANNOT substitute paper.
Many of those issues have to do on how the system was setup in the project, but some were just how it still does not get right some of the basics.
PD: Please Sitemate don't contact me
It is relatively simple to stablish a quality management system for a certain number of worklots and group them, simple to stablish ITPs and ITCs in the system, is very visual, you can easily access it on the phone. For a small project it could be ok, over 2m dollar project, I would consider a different solution. If you don't have an external client, could also be ok.
-UX is poor you cannot read and adjust the full name of worklots on the left side of the screen.
-Register view is poor, you cannot filter ITPs and ITCs, etc...
-It has no "eagle eye" view of th system, you cannot know in a glance the status of worklots, itps, etc... we had to do massive exports of csvs and run power bi dashboards which merited an IT project by itself. Dashpivot was fully aware of the issue and their assistance was minimal to null, and we were their bigger project at that time.
- The signatures are not very secure, anyone can modify ITCs, ITPs, tampering with the system, it is hard to stablish more nuanced roles in the system.
- The PDF exports are not adequate, if a template is bigger than a pdf sheet, it gets cut and becomes unreadable. Not nice...And you cannot adjust.
-Search function is non existent, good luck finding something if you don't know where it is.
-You cannot reorder templates once they are set.
-Hard, again, to follow up anything on register review, if for example, you have multiple signatures in one itc, you have to enter it to see what is going on there.
-The CSVs exports are rubbish, the template gests disordered and becomes unreadable, makes very hard to do any data anaylisis of it. Again, we have made it known to them, receiving in 3 years, zero solutions.
-Pasting things out of tables and making Dashpivot work with excel, other solutions is not intuitive, there are two type of tables, one you can do it, but it becomes hard to export, and the other vice versa, this is not transparent.
-Many ITCs ITPs become broken and could not be downloaded due to attachments not being to Dashpivot liking...
-Their solution, to export data, flowsite, is green, has many of the same issues of lack of visibility, requires big IT set up, etc...
-Unreliable, not thought for many people working on same template, if more than one person works on the same template, one erases the other. We lost valuable commissioning information due to this. photos also did not upload some time, the system is dependant on one person working alone at a template (itc for example) and having good internet, which is an ideal situation that cannot happen all the time.
-Once you set up a template, you cannot change it without erasing all signatures associated with it, this which is done for not tampering the template ignores the fact, that the system allos you to add comment, remarks, etc on signed things that should be closed...It is either flexible or rigid, this is not either, on a bad way.
Réponse de Sitemate
Thanks for the feedback (this won't be sent to you, just posted for the clarity of others).
We acknowledge a few limitations during your time using the system e.g (1) long templates faced performance issues on mobile and (2) deeper search functionality on mobile, which has been requested by others.
For most of the comments, your own comment/acknowledgement that "many of the issues have to do with how the system was setup on the project" is the reason for the usability issues. Dashpivot is a flexible building blocks tool, so how it's configured is critical to how it works.
We'd also push back firmly on the 'customer support' rating. Our team proactively converted 160+ templates into workflows for you, which despite the benefits, your team didn't adopt due to project time constraints. Our Enterprise team also conducted over 8 configuration calls with your team.
Unfortunately, the benefits of Dashpivot vs. paper wasn't clear due to the configuration issues.
Sitemate Team
- Secteur d'activité : Construction
- Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
- Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
Provenance de l'avis
Note globale
- Rapport qualité-prix
- Simplicité d'utilisation
- Support client
- Probabilité de recommander le produit 10.0 /10
Every Construction company should be using this app
Publié le 18/10/2021
Dashpivot has completely streamlined our paperwork process (and has made us mostly paperless). It...
Dashpivot has completely streamlined our paperwork process (and has made us mostly paperless). It is so easy now that we in the office can go on dashpivot and get the paperwork at anytime. It has made our guys thorough at doing their paperwork, and they are more interested in learning how they could do their paperwork better. We would never go back to paper forms, Dashpivot has been a no brainer for us, and it is worth every cent.
-Easy to make new templates to suit our requirements, and easy to alter our existing templates to make them better.
-User friendly, we have all our main guys on it, and they have all found it super easy to use and to figure out without any help, even a few of the older guys have picked up how to use the templates quickly.
-Dashpivot has been great for us to be able to keep an eye on everyone's paperwork, we can see if any information is missing straight away and it is easy for our guys to get on the app to fix it straight away. During claims we rely on the paper work to be spot on so its good that we can track it throughout the month to make sure everything is up to scratch, compared to when we used to be using paper we only saw the daily diaries at the end of the month and by then if information was missing it was a bit hard for us to fix it.
-The new conditional formatting in the templates is awesome, it is great that we can make extra questions appear if certain criteria is met, it makes the forms look so much tidier. It is great for our incident/accident forms.
Not a dislike, but more a couple of things that need to be added:
-Certain forms that we have need to be accessed by all our workers (such as incident forms), currently only our lead guys have access, it would be good if we could assign users to certain forms that are not for everyday use.
-We use dashpivot to upload all the project photos, currently to send them to clients we have to download all photos to send to the client, it would be good if we could send them a link that allows them access to the photos for a certain project.
Dashpivot - FAQ
Voici quelques-unes des questions fréquentes sur Dashpivot.Q. Quels sont les types de licence disponibles pour Dashpivot ?
Types de licences disponibles pour Dashpivot :
- À partir de : 32,00 $US/mois
- Type de licence : Version gratuite, Abonnement
- Version d’essai gratuite : Disponible
Q. Qui utilise Dashpivot ?
Utilisateurs habituels du logiciel Dashpivot :
2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1 000, 1 001–5 000
Q. Dans quelles langues Dashpivot est-il disponible ?
Langues dans lesquelles Dashpivot est disponible :
Q. Dashpivot prend-il en charge les appareils mobiles ?
Appareils pris en charge par Dashpivot :
Android (mobile), iPhone (mobile), iPad (mobile)
Q. Avec quelles applications Dashpivot peut-il s'intégrer ?
Applications s'intégrant à Dashpivot :
Flowsite, Xero
Q. Quelles sont les ressources d'aide disponibles pour Dashpivot ?
Ressources d'aide disponibles pour Dashpivot :
Service client/e-mail, FAQ/forums, Base de connaissances, Support téléphonique, Chat
Catégories connexes
Consultez toutes les catégories de logiciels trouvées pour Dashpivot.
- Logiciels de gestion de construction
- Logiciels de gestion de la qualité
- Outils de gestion de projets
- Logiciels pour l'industrie pétrolière et gazière
- Logiciels QHSE (qualité hygiène sécurité environnement)
- Logiciels d'inspection
- Logiciels pour l'exploitation minière
- Logiciels de gestion de la sécurité
- Logiciels d'action préventive et corrective
- Logiciels de gestion des interventions
- Logiciels pour entrepreneurs
- Outils de gestion d'incidents
- Logiciels pour sous-traitance